Created for such a time as this
In an earlier post I asked you to pull together a list of people that are in your life, and then take a week to pray and ask God to give you the eyes to see, ears to hear, and the heart to respond to the Holy Spirit's leading and see who He has placed in your life and who you might be missing. Did your list grow? Who did God let you notice that you didn't notice before? What now? I am amazed that God came and lived among us. As a matter of fact, the whole Bible tells the story of God pursuing us. God is a relational God, and I believe that since we are created in God's image, we too are relational beings. We are created to be in relationship with God, and with each other. As disciplemakers, we are invited to come and follow Jesus, in mutual community with God and each other, and help others to take next steps with Jesus. We also have been created now, and placed right where we are at today. That was intentional. And, if God knows all of our days...