
Showing posts from August, 2015

Stop! Didja read what Jesus just said?

Jesus says in John 14: 12-14:      “Believe me: I am in my Father and my Father is in me. If you can’t believe that, believe what you see—these works. The person who trusts me will not only do what I’m doing but even greater things, because I, on my way to the Father, am giving you the same work to do that I’ve been doing. You can count on it. From now on, whatever you request along the lines of who I am and what I am doing, I’ll do it. That’s how the Father will be seen for who he is in the Son. I mean it. Whatever you request in this way, I’ll do."  --The Message,   Hold on:   '[T]he person who trusts in me will not only do what I'm doing, but even greater things...' Ummmm, you do realize that it's Jesus who is saying this, right?   You know, the Jesus who healed the sick, cast out demons, raised the dead.  The Jesus who calmed the storm, walked on water, multiplied bread and fishes.  The Jesus...