For such a time as this

The Bible says, "For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago."  Eph. 2:10*

This resonates throughout the story of Esther.  

A young woman name Esther is collected with other ladies, to be put through a grooming process, and then given to the king; to see who he liked best--and she would then become his queen.  Esther is chosen, out of all the others, and becomes queen; beginning a new season of life--but doesn't let people know her nationality.  She is a Jew.  

An evil rises in the kingdom, and an old story takes place.  Pride isn't placated, ego is violated, and retribution is threatened.

Esther's uncle Mordecai won't honor the official Haman.  Haman becomes furious, and decides that Mordecai and his whole people--the Jews--must die for this slight.  

Now, it's one thing to vent and talk like this--not a good thing--but, when you have the influence and power to foment genocide...that's terrifying.  And, that is where Esther finds herself.

If you haven't figured it out by now, the king Esther is married to (Xerxes), is a mess.  He threw out his last wife when--during a 6 month long, whole nation bender--she refused his 'request' to come and present herself to all the male leaders naked.  We also find out that Xerxes won't allow anyone in his court who is grieving or in mourning--happiness is key?  Also, if you haven't been requested and you do appear before him...well, if he doesn't extend his scepter in's a death sentence.  Yup, I think it's sufficient to say that this guy is a mess--Oh, and did I mention that he is ruling most of the known world at this point in history.  Lovely.

Haman hatches a plot, convincing Xerxes that the Jews are plotting a revolt in Xerxes kingdom, and it needs to be put down.  Xerxes grants permission for the extermination of the Jews, and when Mordecai finds out he approaches Esther, and asks her to try and rescue her people by placing her life on the line by approaching the king.  She hesitates... and the Bible says, "Mordecai sent this reply to Esther: 

“Don’t think for a moment that because you’re in the palace you will escape when all other Jews are killed. If you keep quiet at a time like this, deliverance and relief for the Jews will arise from some other place, but you and your relatives will die. Who knows if perhaps you were made queen for just such a time as this?Esther 4: 13,14*

Who knows if perhaps you were made queen for just such a time as this. 

I will let you read the rest of the story to see how God worked in Esther's life, but what I want to leave you with today is the same question Mordecai asked his niece:  

'Who knows, perhaps, God created you and made you for such a time as this--and if He has prepared, in advance, good works for you to do (just like the Bible says)--what does God want to do in and through you, with others, as y'all are taking next steps with Jesus, Together!?!'  God's plan will be accomplished--and He has invited you to walk with Him.  Will you say 'Yes' to the Holy Spirit today?  

I pray that we will.

In Christ,


*Bible passages are out of the NLT and can be found at


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