A Disciplemaking Way of Life Invitation

Jesus has commissioned us to live as Disciplemakers. 

The way we talk about that is by asking, “How can we take next steps with you, with Jesus, Together!”

We would love the opportunity do life with you.  Church happens in and through our lives–It’s the reason why Jesus put skin on, and came to hang out with us.

What you can expect is simple; We want to find ways to Eat Together, Serve Together, and Play Together.  In that, we are trying to keep a fresh walk with Jesus–you certainly don’t need any more of us splashing off on you—you need more Jesus splashing off.

When we meet together we try to make a practice of Studying the Bible to know the Author, Praying Together, Loving one another, and Celebrating who God is and what He is doing; expecting that God will show up, aligning our hearts with His, and doing great big God things.

We seek to honor Jesus as Lord and King, Share the Gospel in word and deed, Make Disciplemakers who make Disciplemakers who make Disciplemakers, and see the Kingdom of God grow–the rule and reign, and name and fame of Jesus.

Because the Gospel leads to community, being adopted into a new family and all, we would love to meet you and have the opportunity to do life Together with you, and with Jesus in Mutual Community.  These are spaces in our lives where we intersect with each other, with Jesus together.  It is in this space that we grow, and by God’s grace, take next steps with Jesus, Together!

This lifestyle has a necessary flow— following Jesus, and doing what He does.  And that is Mission.  The mission He is on, is the Gospel.  This amazing truth of God’s loving rescue is something that we need to share in word and deed as we follow our Lord, Jesus Christ.  In this, we are taking next steps with Jesus Together, and our prayer is that the Kingdom of God will grow in, and through, and out of our lives.  This is where the Rule and Reign, the Name and Fame of God expands.  There should be more forgiveness, more justice, more compassion, more truth, more love, more of Jesus as we walk together with Him.

Ultimately, my prayer is that God would use these 3 generations working together for the fourth, as we prayerfully and intentionally take next steps with Jesus Together, in such a way that by the time my kids kids are old enough to live as Disciplemakers, everyone in the world has a friend who is prayerfully and intentionally leaning in and taking next steps with them, with Jesus, Together. 

This adventure drives our hearts to worship.  This drives us to love God with all of who we are, and love our neighbors as ourselves.  So, let’s count the cost, and invest all God has given us,  and beg God to glorify Himself in and through our lives, Together!


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