Christmas 2018 Prepare the Way
Hello this is Eric again. A friend asked me, “How can I know that the Bible is true?” So, I am taking some time to answer my friends question and to do this I am looking at one of the evidences the Bible gives to answer this question, Prophecy. (Read the previous blogs here ) Malachi 3:1 says, “‘Look! I am sending my messenger, and he will prepare the way before me. Then the Lord you are seeking will suddenly come to his Temple. The messenger of the covenant, whom you look for so eagerly, is surely coming,’ says the Lord of Heaven’s Armies.” Someone is coming. When that person comes, you will know that the time is near. God said so. Do you like playing ‘Hide-and-Seek?’ What is it that you like about the game? Do you like counting with your eyes closed and listening to people run and whisper, or do you like to hide, and try not to giggle when you look at your friends hiding spot? Do you like to search, and see if you can find some...