Christmas 2018 Born in Bethlehem (Part 1-The Wise Men)

Hello this is Eric again.  A friend asked me, “How can I know that the Bible is true?”  So, I am taking some time to answer my friends question and to do this I am looking at one of the evidences the Bible gives to answer this question, Prophecy. 

(Read the previous blogs here)

There are a number of fascinating parts to the story of Jesus’ birth, but the story of the Magi is one that stands out in my mind as a complex and intriguing example of God’s handiwork—And this story gives us a picture of the thoughtful care and loving precision that God has invested in His Redemption plan.

Since this story is so involved, I want to take the time to look at it from a couple of different angle’s—let me begin with the Magi.

How many Wisemen came and worshiped Jesus?  You said three, didn’t you—nope.  The Bible doesn’t tell us how many there were.  The song “We Three Kings” says three, but the Bible just says Magi came from the east.  Who were these Magi?   Why did they come?  How did they know where to go?

Who are these Magi? 

The Magi are products of the Exile.  The Exile, Really? 

Israel and Judah both broke the covenant that God made with them, and God kept His promise, and punished them (Deuteronomy 28).  He sent them into exile—and in the book of Daniel we meet a group these exiles, young men who decided to see how close to God they could be and still have impact on their culture (rather than how close to sin they could get and still be safe).  Their impact was immense.  Daniel was the advisor to next 4 most powerful leaders and empires in the world!  Talk about influence.  

Who were these empires?  The Babylonians, and the Mede’s and Persian’s.  (If you know your history, you know names like Nebuchadnezzar, Darius, Belshazzar, and Cyrus.)  Nebuchadnezzar was known as the King of kings, and Cyrus was known as one of the greatest rulers to ever live—and Daniel was their right hand man.  How did this happen?  Daniel dedicated his life to God—no matter what—and wanted to make sure that God got the glory, and didn’t care if he, Daniel, was noticed or not.  Daniel kept a daily, fresh walk with God, and God worked in and through Daniel’s life.

(If you want a great read one evening, I would highly recommend reading the book of Daniel.  It’s 12 chapters, but it tells a story of profound implications even for today—and tomorrow.)

To begin:  Daniel’s folks were probably murdered as the exile began, and then he was kidnapped and taken into captivity.  In captivity he was put into an indoctrination program to enculturate the next generation of Israel’s youth by brainwashing their people from within.  Daniel made a decision from the beginning of this, to honor God in everything he did—even in the small things of his life.  In Daniel we meet a young man committed to honoring God—and a young man that does this with the wisdom and prudence given to him by God no matter the cost.  God raises this young man up to a place of influence unprecedented in all of history.  The Bible says that Daniel falls into a elite category of men—In Ezekiel 14:14 God says,

“Even if Noah, Daniel, and Job were there, their righteousness would save no one but themselves, says the Sovereign Lord.”

God used Daniel to have incredible influence and impact upon his culture, and on the Christmas story—and thereby—the Gospel that impacts us today.  How?  A legacy of honoring God.

Daniel was intelligent and wise because of God’s blessing, and, by God’s grace Daniel was able to interpret dreams.  Daniel used not only the small things of his life, but the big things of his life to glorify God.  As Daniel made this a part of his everyday lifestyle, he impacted many.  Daniel oversaw and led the leaders of these empires, and passed on a legacy of learning and influence to others as a lifelong learner.  Daniel lived such a life of integrity and devotion in following God that the only thing he could be accused of doing was daily stopping to be with God, three times a day.  Daniel’s life was profoundly contagious—Isn’t this a man you would want to get to know?  Me too!

Daniel passed on his legacy by following God with all of his life, and years later, a group of people were impacted and following in Daniel’s footsteps as lifelong learners and students of God and His word.  Then, they had 2 amazing things converge in their lives—like only God can make happen:

First, they were reading the Bible and they came across Numbers 24:17.

Second, they were studying the skies and they saw something new—a star.

Then it all began to make sense!

Numbers 24:17 says,

“I see him, but not here and now.  I perceive him, but far in the distant future.  A star will rise from Jacob; a scepter will emerge from Israel.”

They looked at one another, and made the decision to take an incredible leap of faith—let’s go on a journey.  Let’s follow this star.  They gathered their equipment, carefully packed their treasures, and decided to follow this star to wherever it would lead; for however long it would take (two years)—because they wanted to meet the Daniel’s King!

I invite you to walk on this journey with us!

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