Disciplemaking--God's normal way

Throughout the Bible God has been pursuing us, and inviting us into a disciplemaking lifestyle with Him.  Matthew 28: 18-20 isn't the first time in scripture that we experience this lifestyle, no, if we look we will see that this lifestyle is a normal way of walking with God.

I want to encourage you to explore this for yourselves.

Take a moment to look up these passages with a friend, and together, with Jesus, wrestle them and see God's disciplemaking heart throughout the pages of the Bible.

Deuteronomy 6:1-3

Psalm 78: 1-8

Mark 3: 13-15

Luke 6: 40

Matthew 28: 18-20

Acts 14: 19-23

1 Corinthians 4:16-17

2 Timothy 2:2

Mark 12: 30-31

John 17: 20

Acts 1:8

Where do you see evidence in the Bible of God's disciplemaking ways?

May God bless the reading and wrestling of His word together with Him.

In Christ


[I want to thank Dave and Rennie Garda of Cadre Minsitries for their insight and help in this conversation.  They love Jesus deeply, live as disciplemakers, and I have had the privilege of having them in my life as my friends and disciplers for 15 years.  Check out their ministry at www.cadreministries.com]


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