Planned tension vs Unplanned tension
Pocket knives I enjoy mine. I started carrying one in my pocket about 6 years ago. I never realized how much I would use one. Birthday presents needing the packaging cut, a rope cut when securing a post, plants pruned, wires separated, splinters removed. It's become a a regular fixture in my wardrobe. It's cool. I've found that there are others like me who really enjoy carrying a pocket knife, and I have had some very interesting conversations with people about knives, steel, manufacturers, fav's. It's fun. It's also brought me some confidence and comfort. After experiencing a season of violence against me and my family during a ministry adventure, I decided that I needed to think more seriously about protecting myself and my family. So, part of carrying a pocket knife was a detente between my sensibilities that were prayerfully wrestling with what this might mean. There was a sobriety that came with a pocket knife. A te...