Stinky Feet

This morning I sat with my kiddos and we talked about a disciplemaking life and the normal parts of helping each other take next steps with Jesus together.  Study the Bible together.  Pray together.  Love one another.  Worship--celebrate who God is and what He is doing.
In this we trust that God is going to show up, and do great big God things and help us to hit the target He has for us.
When we talked about loving one another, we looked at the story in the Bible where Jesus washed His disciples feet.  It's funny, but at the passover meal, the meal where Jesus instituted the Lord's Supper, the disciples were arguing...about...stinky feet.  Yup.  Stinky Feet.
Only the lowest servant would wash feet...cause the streets, well they didn't have cars, they had horses and oxen...and well, it was messy.  The fact is that they wore sandals, and their feet were dirty and stinky.
I want to give you a link to a video from the Jesus Storybook Bible:
( (My favorite children's Bible storybook)
[I use this to teach students, and for amazing preaching illustrations, it grounds 52 stories from the Bible in the God's big story in the Bible, His rescue plan.]  
It's less than 4 minutes, and it is worth your time.  It comes out of John 13:1-17.  Watch it together.
What is your first reaction to this story?
How has Jesus washed your feet?
How can you wash one anothers feet this week?

Read the passage together at the table this week, or before you go to bed and pray together asking God to help us learn to let Him wash our feet, and to help us to wash one anothers feet.
[John 13:1-17]


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